Hypnosis is a very effective intervention for people suffering from anxiety. This study found that around 79% of people experienced a reduction in their anxiety when compared to control subjects. I personally suffered with very bad anxiety which negatively affected all areas of my life. I tried
Read more →We live in interesting times. For the past three plus years the occupants of this planet have been gaslit, bombarded with fear, lies and more lies. We live in a world where banks lend money they don’t have then charge interest on it. Companies profit from illness,
Read more →Answering questions put to me in my Facebook group. Is pain a mental thing? Answer: Pain is a signal that there is something wrong, like gauges or lights in a car. Pain is your body telling you something needs attention. If the source of the pain is
Read more →Do you regularly find yourself needing to do something and putting it off, it could be that you need to write a report for work, make a call or write a blog post and you just can’t bring yourself to do it? You tell yourself “I’ll just
Read more →A fear of how other people perceive us is quite common and natural from an evolutionary perspective. How others perceive us is going to affect our social status, ability to reproduce, etc. in more violent times being judged harshly by our tribe could have meant being attacked
Read more →Inner child work and taking time to heal your inner child is essential if you want to overcome anxiety, build successful relationships or achieve your dreams. A lot of people have a misconception of what inner child work is so first of all I would like to
Read more →Anxiety is a conditioned response, like Pavlov’s dog we can become conditioned to feeling constantly anxious because of trauma or dysfunction but many people suffer anxiety and don’t remember any particularly traumatic event so how can we stop anxiety when we don’t know where it’s coming from
Read more →Hypnotherapy is very powerful at helping people overcome all kinds of issues including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). As a hypnotherapist who specialises in helping clients with anxiety, depression, PTSD and CPTSD I often see clients who suffer with OCD as well. These conditions/disorders would be known as
Read more →I have been offering online hypnotherapy sessions for over four years now. In March 2020 I moved my hypnosis practice entirely online and in that time I have used hypnotherapy to help people overcome relationship breakdown, addictions, anxiety, depression, PTSD and CPTSD. I have helped people stop
Read more →Bad and traumatic memories can cause us to suffer long after the traumatic event that caused them, research has shown that bad memories often carry more weight than good ones do. Bad memories carry more emotional charge than good ones do, one theory for this is that
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