As a hypnotherapist, I’ve seen firsthand how challenging it can be for people to stick to their New Year’s resolutions. The statistics are sobering: only about 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s goals. But here’s the good news – by combining psychology and self-hypnosis techniques,
Read more →Sugar is a highly addictive drug, some studies have even found it to be more addictive than cocaine. Sugar affects your brain in a similar way to other highly addictive drugs by activating the opioid receptors, it also causes the release of serotonin and dopamine. The more
Read more →Not having a sense of direction in life, feeling like you have no purpose, like you’re going nowhere is something everyone experiences at some point or another. It can cause some people to feel like life has no meaning, worthlessness, low self esteem, feelings of anxiety and
Read more →We live in interesting times. For the past three plus years the occupants of this planet have been gaslit, bombarded with fear, lies and more lies. We live in a world where banks lend money they don’t have then charge interest on it. Companies profit from illness,
Read more →Do you regularly find yourself needing to do something and putting it off, it could be that you need to write a report for work, make a call or write a blog post and you just can’t bring yourself to do it? You tell yourself “I’ll just
Read more →We’re approaching the end of 2022 and you, like many people, are probably thinking about what you want to achieve in the new year, maybe thinking about setting some resolutions for the new year. So today I am going to talk about what you can do to
Read more →Have you ever wondered why you always attract what you don’t want? Is it because you were naughty in a past life? Karma or Fate? I used to ask myself why bad things always happened to me, still do sometimes but since I have become more aware
Read more →Due to the recent pandemic and social media I have had the opportunity to observe how we all project our our perceptions onto our reality, the vegans are taking it as proof that eating animals is bad, non vegans are taking it as proof that eating bats
Read more →I have decided to move my hypnotherapy practice entirely online for a number of reasons, it means I can target a wider audience with lower overheads but it is also more effective for customers. My clients have been benefiting from online therapy sessions for all kinds of
Read more →The first thing to do is choose a day to stop and write it in your calendar the night before put any remaining fags, ashtrays lighters, matches, anything you associate with smoking in the bin and then empty it. Don’t leave anything you associate with smoking around
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