As a hypnotherapist that specialises in helping anxiety sufferers, I often share clinical insights with my clients. Today, however, I’d like to share something more personal: my own journey of overcoming anxiety. For years, anxiety controlled various aspects of my life. Even simple tasks like popping to
Read more →Everyone experiences stress. Stress is the body’s natural response to challenges or demands, real or perceived. While some stress can be beneficial, chronic or excessive stress can have significant negative impacts on both physical and mental health. Understanding the wide-ranging impacts of stress on health underscores the
Read more →I began my hypnotherapy practice in 2018 and for the first two years I made a loss, I was paying out rent for therapy rooms and had advertising costs. I didn’t give up because I am stubborn, I wanted to do something meaningful with my life, to
Read more →Stress is a feeling, like all feelings and emotions it serves a purpose, all humans and animals experience stress. Stress can alert a person when something is wrong and give them the motivation to deal with a stressor or dangerous situation. There is a difference between stress
Read more →Answering questions put to me in my Facebook group. Is pain a mental thing? Answer: Pain is a signal that there is something wrong, like gauges or lights in a car. Pain is your body telling you something needs attention. If the source of the pain is
Read more →Do you regularly find yourself needing to do something and putting it off, it could be that you need to write a report for work, make a call or write a blog post and you just can’t bring yourself to do it? You tell yourself “I’ll just
Read more →Anger is an emotion and like all emotions it serves a purpose but anger and an inability to manage it can often cause issues, in this post I will explain why online hypnosis is a very effective way to deal with anger management issues. What’s The Purpose
Read more →In 2015 I had a few problems. I was troubled, I suffered from a lot of emotional flashbacks, a lot of emotional dysregulation. I struggled to function. I had severe anxiety and paranoia. I was, according to my ex-wife mentally abusive. With my emotional dysregulation I can
Read more →Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is caused by repeated and ongoing trauma from which there is no escape, CPTSD is commonly suffered by prisoners of war and children who grow up in dysfunctional families and it is a surprisingly common issue. Some estimates say that around
Read more →We have all suffered from limiting beliefs, self-doubt and fears of some kind, the fear of failure or of being ridiculed is what stops most people from stepping outside their comfort zone, pursuing their dreams and living the lives that they really want to live. It can
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