Anger is an emotion and like all emotions it serves a purpose but anger and an inability to manage it can often cause issues, in this post I will explain why online hypnosis is a very effective way to deal with anger management issues. What’s The Purpose
Read more →Until I used hypnotherapy to overcome it, social anxiety was a very big issue for me, a fear of blushing (erythrophobia) was a major problem that I suffered with and I was very concerned with how other people perceived me. I had many insecurities and I would
Read more →Is hypnotherapy dangerous for people with trauma is a great question and one I was asked in my Facebook group. I tried to answer it with a live video but had technical issues so I will address the question in this post instead. The answer is, hypnotherapy
Read more →I have been offering online hypnotherapy sessions for over four years now. In March 2020 I moved my hypnosis practice entirely online and in that time I have used hypnotherapy to help people overcome relationship breakdown, addictions, anxiety, depression, PTSD and CPTSD. I have helped people stop
Read more →Anxiety is part of the fight or flight response. We need anxiety to keep us safe and it can never be completely eliminated from our lives but through inner child healing we can stop anxiety from affecting us. As a I say on my hypnotherapy to reduce
Read more →Bad and traumatic memories can cause us to suffer long after the traumatic event that caused them, research has shown that bad memories often carry more weight than good ones do. Bad memories carry more emotional charge than good ones do, one theory for this is that
Read more →In March 2020 I started offering hypnotherapy online via Zoom and I am pleased to have been able to help numerous people suffering from low self esteem, low confidence, anxiety and PTSD. Below are is just some of the feedback from my many happy clients: “I am
Read more →No one is completely sure what the phenomenon of hypnosis is, in my pre-talk that I give clients before a hypnotherapy session I tell them, “Hypnosis is not sleeping but it is a deeply relaxing state in which change can occur”. It is thought that hypnosis utilises
Read more →Hypnosis is a deeply relaxing and natural state that we all experience several times during the course of a normal day, have you ever driven somewhere and not remembered the actual drive once you got there? Become engrossed in a good book, film or something on T.V?
Read more →Most people have seen how hypnosis can be used for entertainment purposes, you can probably remember seeing hypnosis acts on T.V, maybe you have even been to see a stage show and you might be wondering how hypnotherapy and hypnosis are different. Some people may be interested
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