As a hypnotherapist that specialises in helping anxiety sufferers, I often share clinical insights with my clients. Today, however, I’d like to share something more personal: my own journey of overcoming anxiety. For years, anxiety controlled various aspects of my life. Even simple tasks like popping to
Read more →Today we’re going to be talking about something that’s super personal. Something that I used to struggle with. Something that many people struggle with. That is eye contact. Eye contact is very important, especially in Western society. I spoke in a YouTube video about how important eye
Read more →Everyone experiences stress. Stress is the body’s natural response to challenges or demands, real or perceived. While some stress can be beneficial, chronic or excessive stress can have significant negative impacts on both physical and mental health. Understanding the wide-ranging impacts of stress on health underscores the
Read more →Childhood can create negative patterns which influence adult behaviour. Inner child work, connecting with our inner child, releasing toxic shame, giving ourselves unconditional love and acceptance is an extremely effective way of not only making the unconscious conscious but actually breaking these patterns. I once had chronic
Read more →Everyone has an inner child. The inner child represents the child we once were, our experiences, emotions and feelings when we are growing up will create our inner child. If not healed the inner child will continue to influence our behaviours, thoughts and beliefs when we are
Read more →I began my hypnotherapy practice in 2018 and for the first two years I made a loss, I was paying out rent for therapy rooms and had advertising costs. I didn’t give up because I am stubborn, I wanted to do something meaningful with my life, to
Read more →Hypnosis is a very effective intervention for people suffering from anxiety. This study found that around 79% of people experienced a reduction in their anxiety when compared to control subjects. I personally suffered with very bad anxiety which negatively affected all areas of my life. I tried
Read more →We live in interesting times. For the past three plus years the occupants of this planet have been gaslit, bombarded with fear, lies and more lies. We live in a world where banks lend money they don’t have then charge interest on it. Companies profit from illness,
Read more →Answering questions put to me in my Facebook group. Is pain a mental thing? Answer: Pain is a signal that there is something wrong, like gauges or lights in a car. Pain is your body telling you something needs attention. If the source of the pain is
Read more →A fear of how other people perceive us is quite common and natural from an evolutionary perspective. How others perceive us is going to affect our social status, ability to reproduce, etc. in more violent times being judged harshly by our tribe could have meant being attacked
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