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4 Week Inner Child Program

4 Week Inner Child Program

(1 customer review)


In a survey of previous program attendees 100% said they would recommend it to family and friends..4 group coaching sessions, with recordings. Weekly exercises and workbook. Integrate all ages of the inner child from infant to adolescent. Reduce anxiety. Increase self esteem and confidence. Control your impulses.

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The next four week inner child program starts Sunday 9th February 2025 at 7pm London time 2pm New York.

4 group coaching sessions, with recordings.
Discounted one to one hypnotherapy sessions.
Exclusive Facebook group.
Weekly exercises and workbook.
Integrate all ages of the inner child from infant to adolescent.
Reduce anxiety.
Increase self esteem and confidence.
Control your impulses and reconnect with emotions.

Inner Child Reviews

In a survey of previous program attendees 100% said they would recommend it to family and friends. Some comments and feedback can be found below:

“Mark is very focused and personal in tackling problems and always seeks solutions to listen individual to important areas, which need growth to increase self-esteem and build confidence when that is lacking. I found much benefit from doing the program and I would recommend it to others. It can help to attend the workshops too to get a greater sense of what is required to heal from traumatic past events. Hope to use these teachings to develop other areas of my internal self and focus on that component.”

“I was always afraid and too angry to work on the inner child. I decided to do this course thinking it would just touch the surface. The questions and tasks in the homework was where the hard part was as it was forcing you to do the work, not the facilitator . There was no way of taking the easy way out unless you were not serious about working on your inner child. It made you work through all that nasty, festering memories and face up to what you as a child had to endure. I have never really sat down and thought about the earlier years and how it impacted me, how significant abandonment by a parent felt and then being betrayed by another. I am still processing the reality but I do feel that eventually this program has allowed me to feel some kind of sympathy and love towards my inner child. And that for me is a step forward.”

“What I liked most about the program is the systematic way it takes you through all the phases of your life, each step brings a different perspective and highlights a different learning. For example as an infant my need to feel wanted came through strongly, as a toddler my need to be safe came through strongly and as a school going child my need to feel loved came through strongly. The last meditation of integrating this all felt amazing. I felt happy, was smiling and felt good within myself.”

“I enjoyed so much – the space to ask questions, you offered ways of thinking of the 4Fs that I haven’t heard before and I’ve done a lot of courses with that subject, reminding me I need to reflect on my own triggers, reminder that human suffering is our commonality and not to isolate myself.”

“I have just finished this course with Mark for Healing the Inner Child and building Confidence and it was really good and the exercises were really powerful. I have integrated my healed inner child and removed old negative scenarios from my mind, and I feel confident and positive! This course is well worth attending. Thanks Mark Stubbles”

“I have done the course with Mark -nearly completed; it certainly is food for thought. Very inspiring talking with Mark and others on the course, really makes you look at where you have come from and why sometimes we behave the way we do. No fault / blaming etc, It’s just really interesting. I think anyone with young children or even slightly older children would certainly benefit form the experience this course provides. My children are all grown up, I wish I had known more when they were younger. Also as a therapist I think it helps to give an insight into people’s behaviours/habits/problems, etc.. A very well worth listen.”

“Mark is so easy going and the inner child issues are very sensitive but he dealt with them in a really good way cos he is so genuine and upfront. I felt he is a friend as well as a therapist. I was amazed about all the terms that were covered and just how many relate to my past to present situations. It was very detailed and the homework was really interesting to do and share. I found writing with my left hand therapeutic and took me back to being a child in a good way generally. I seriously liked everything about it.”

“It’s an opportunity to heal old wounds and then move forward to a better future. It will help you love and accept yourself. You’ll discover the reasons for the way your life turned out as it did and then you can make changes. It was wonderful going back to my inner child and feeling love for myself. I’ll always take care of myself now.”

“I really like the program because it is essential to connect and heal the wounds from our childhood traumas. We must face them in order to grow spiritually and have a healthy relationship with ourselves and others.”

“I would say it’s a must to go on this course with Mark as you don’t know how damaging your childhood is until you really look inside… which Mark does so well with the homework and interaction with the others on the course. Mark puts you at ease with his relaxing voice and great sense of humour and the hypnosis is simply amazing every time… as Mark has a natural gift in talking in such a way that you really relax and this helps so much as I find it hard to relax… so I really enjoyed these at the end of each session.”

“Mark was very comfortable to talk to and I enjoyed the hypnosis which was very relaxing.”

“Loved Mark’s dedication to his clients. Well thought out material. Techniques such as NLP, tapping, hypnosis, journaling, and self-confidence tasks to help inner child.”

The program will be delivered via Zoom from Sunday 9th February 2025 at 7pm London time 2pm New York. and run every week for four weeks. All sessions will be recorded so if you miss a session or want refer back to the videos at a later date you can.

1 review for 4 Week Inner Child Program

  1. Mitchell Cameron

    Mark is very focused and personal in tackling problems and always seeks solutions to listen individual to important areas, which need growth to increase self-esteem and build confidence when that is lacking. I found much benefit from doing the program and I would recommend it to others. It can help to attend the workshops too to get a greater sense of what is required to heal from traumatic past events. Hope to use these teachings to develop other areas of my internal self and focus on that component.

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